An article on the art show at the Howland Cultural Center - part of Upstate Art Weekend. I'm pleased that some of my Beacon, NY paintings were chosen as part of this show. Please click here to see the article and for information on exhibit dates/times.
I was pleased to be interviewed by Alison Rooney for this series on local artists in
The Highlands Current newspaper (June 29, 2020 issue). To read the article, please click the link below. I will have a vendor's space at the upcoming Beacon Sloop Club Pumpkin Festival in Beacon, NY
on Sunday, October 20th from noon-5pm. Prints, driftwood art and postcards - including this new one of the sloop, Clearwater. Please come by and say hello. And speaking of "hello"... ...I'll be sharing my space with Miranda Marin (aka Janice Sullivan), who will be selling her Beacon-based novel, "'Say Hello to Valentino'". Stop by and get your book signed by the author and the artist! Hope to see you there. If you enjoy Beacon’s Second Saturday Arts celebrations, you may want to add an extra stop to your stroll through town next weekend, July 8th, and visit the Vintage Postcard Show and Sale, a special postcard show “…that depict cards from our hometown of Beacon, across America and beyond”, at the Memorial Hall Building (413 Main Street) from 11am-4pm. I’ve been invited to attend and will be there with my “Lost in the Mail” Series postcards of historical Beacon, N.Y. (incidentally, the most contemporary postcards of Beacon to be displayed at the show).
Bring the above flyer to enter the door prize may even win a set of my "Lost in the Mail" series postcards! A big 'thank you' to all who stopped by to visit my table at the first ever Dressel Farms "Booze and Berries" event. It was a lot of fun.
I'm pleased to let you know that my artwork will be on display at the Oak Vino Wine Bar, beginning October 8th. Please stop by that evening - I look forward to introducing myself to you and to my work There will be prints and original artwork for sale that evening and through November. Stop back here (or my Facebook page) for further updates. If you have any questions, feel free to email me via the Contact Page.
![]() 8/30/2016 I was very pleased to be asked for an interview by Times Herald Record writer John DeSanto for his "845 Life" newspaper column. You can read the interview online by clicking here. And you can see a short video of the interview by clicking here. Enjoy! I'm very happy to announce my friend Miranda Marin's novel, "Say Hello To Valentino" is now available on Her book launch party will be at the Howland Cultural Center in Beacon, NY on Saturday, June 11, 2016. I'll be there too, with prints of the cover art available for purchase as well as several prints from my Beacon, NY Series. And although the ticketed event with her reading has sold out, there is still an open house from 6pm - 7pm. Please stop by and say hello to both the Author and the Artist...we'd love to see you there! I'm very happy to announce that digital prints of many of my paintings can now be purchased through my Etsy store! Please visit the Purchase Page, on this site, or click the link below.
For the next few weeks, you'll be able to have a great sandwich AND see how my artwork might look framed and hanging on your wall. Please visit Harry's Hot Sandwich Shop (449 Main Street, Beacon, NY).